What I Watched: May 2021

I had a somewhat more interesting month when it came to films and tv shows in May. However, as always I spent pretty much all of my free time watching Youtube. There are a couple of films and TV shows in this wrap-up and already in June I have been watching a larger variety of things so this months wrap-up should (hopefully) be more exciting. 


Film-wise I didn’t watch many in May. As per usual really. The first film that I watched was The King on Netflix and yes I was interested in this film purely because of Timothee Chalamet. It was actually pretty good, but I don’t think I’d ever watch it again, not even for Timmy. 

The second film that I watched was Booksmart. I had heard a lot of great things about this film and that it was hilarious. It definitely isn’t my favourite film ever, but it was very funny and I’d maybe watch it again. 

TV Shows

The majority of my TV watching time has gone on The Great British Sewing Bee. I LOVE this program. It’s extremely wholesome and watching a scrap of fabric transform into a piece of clothing is so interesting and amazing to watch. If you love The Bake Off, you will love The Sewing Bee. 

I’m still desperately trying to finish Riverdale, even though let’s be honest it is terrible (nothing wrong with the actors they are all very talented, I’m talking about the writing). This show is like a car crash you know it’s horrific and you should probably look away, but you just can’t. 

I’m in too deep with the story now and I need to know what crazy resolution will happen next. 


As always I spent the majority of my free time watching YouTube. May saw the release of the latest Resident Evil game (Resident Evil 8: Village) and oh my was I excited for it. Resident Evil 7 is one of my all-time favourite games even though I’ve never actually played it myself. Yes, I’m one of those strange people that would rather watch someone else play a game than play it myself. 

Jacksepticeye was my YouTuber of choice when it came to watching this playthrough and I loved every minute of it. I will probably watch another playthrough of the game soon, but from a different Youtuber as I love seeing multiple perspectives of the same game. Basically, I am obsessed with the Resident Evil games and they are my most-watched games ever. 

I finally got around to watching a playthrough of Subnautica and again it was Jacksepticeye. This is a game I could actually play myself and I’m definitely interested in it after watching the whole story play out. It was a lot more story-driven than I thought it would be and I’m sad that I put off checking it out for so long. 

The next ‘Youtubers’ I’m going to talk about aren’t really Youtubers. They are mostly streamers however as they are American I can never watch their streams live. These streamers being Team Summer Time. 

They are most definitely streamers/YouTubers that deserve more recognition as their content is hilarious and their use of a tricamera and multiple perspectives is not like anything I’ve seen before. 

You will only be interested in TST if you are a Call of Duty fan so do keep that in mind if you want to check them out. 

If you have any films, TV shows or Youtubers that you would recommend then do let me know as I am always looking for new things to watch.


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