What I Watched: March 2023

Every time I sit down to write this post I think I have nothing to talk about because I actually don’t spend that much time watching TV really. However, I’ve watched quite a few shows this month and I’m surprised actually. I’m trying to spend less time writing posts and working on the weekends so apparently, I’m watching more TV than I thought. 


As per usual, I haven’t watched many films this month. I’m really not a film person, I used to be, but now I spend about 80% of my free time watching YouTube. At the time of writing this post I haven’t reviewed any films for my rewatch reviews yet, but there’s still time, so keep an eye out for those popping up.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

My boyfriend and I decided to do our one hundredth (hyperbole) rewatch of the Star Wars films and I decided we should do them chronologically as I love the prequels. Unconventional I know, but these are the films I grew up with so they are much more nostalgic for me. 

TV shows

The Last of Us

I think we can all agree that this show was absolutely incredible. It will 100% be one of my top shows of 2023. It was a perfect adaptation and I actually can’t believe just how well they brought the world to life. Bella Ramsey was born to play Ellie.  

I’ve talked about this show quite a lot now and I don’t have anything else to say other than gushing about how good it was.

Shadow and Bone

This might be a controversial opinion, but I loved season two. I think they rushed the Shadow and Bone storyline and it could have been better, but the Crows. Oh my god, the Crows were perfection. Someone give Freddy Carter an award. My boyfriend even said he was the best actor in the show. 

I do think this show was made purely for those who have read the books because it was a little all over the place, but it did have a lot of small details that you wouldn’t understand otherwise. I’m actually a little glad that they didn’t perfectly follow the books and without giving anything away, I liked the ending. 

Daisy Jones & The Six

At the time of writing this post, I’m not caught up. I do that weird thing where I put things off because I don’t want it to be over, despite the fact that I can rewatch it whenever I want. I’m really enjoying the show though. It’s really making me want to reread the book and I’ve actually just brought the written one as I originally read the audiobook.

The Summer I Turned Pretty

I got a real urge to rewatch this show a couple of weeks ago and I did so across two nights. I not only watched it, but I also reviewed the entire season for my rewatch reviews. Those will be coming nearer to summer/when the next season is announced. 

Lockwood & Co

I’ve never read the books, but what I’ve seen of the show so far has been good. I love a good paranormal show and the fact that this one is set in London makes it really cosy for some reason. If you’ve read the books, would you recommend them? Let me know.


Dark Souls: Remastered – Cynthetic

I absolutely loved this playthrough, it will definitely feature in my favourite YouTube gaming series posts at some point. Cyn has very quickly become one of my favourite lets players and if you also enjoy serious playthroughs where the YouTuber isn’t constantly shouting, you’ll love Cyn. 

I’ve definitely watched more on YouTube, but right now I can’t remember. I really need to start making notes for this post throughout the month.

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Like this post? Why not read this one too: Re-Watch Review: Gilmore Girls S1-EP13


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