Re-Watch Review: Superstore S2-EP7

Episode synopsis

S2 EP7: Election Day – Cloud 9 becomes an official polling place; Dina and Glenn are stuck in a cover-up; Mateo hides his undocumented status.


America Ferrera…Amy

Ben Feldman…Jonah

Lauren Ash…Dina

Colton Dunn…Garrett

Nico Santos…Mateo

Nichole Sakura…Cheyenne

Mark McKinney…Glenn

Jon Barinholtz…Marcus

Azie Tesfai…Naomi

Jayne Taini…Dorothy

Edward James Gage…Syd

Linda Porter…Myrtle

Best character

This doesn’t make her the best character, but this is definitely the episode when Amy realises she likes Jonah. Their back-and-forth in this episode is so cute.

Favourite scenes

*I do not own the rights to any videos in this post, no copyright infringement was intended. All rights go to the production studio*

I couldn’t find a clip of it, but the scene with Dina and Glenn both trying to get a recorded confession of the voting ballots getting destroyed is too funny. It’s the fact that they’re both so weird on a daily basis that they don’t realise how strange the other person is being.

Best quotes and one liners

GLENN: If we line up the voters this way, they’ll be shuttled towards the impulse buys.

DINA: There are going to be millions of new customers in here, and you’re focused on the chewing gum? Why not funnel them towards, I don’t know, the big-ticket stuff? Get your head in the game.

GLENN: Oh, my head is in the game. I’ve been here since 4:00 a.m. I’ve already had three meals.

DINA: It’s not even 7:00. That’s too many meals.

GARRETT: Attention Cloud 9 shoppers, Election Day is here, and we’re offering up big discounts on all American-made products. So that’s 40% off your generic medications, inferior electronics, and cheese curls.

AMY: God, people will believe anything with the word “official” on it. Do you know what we should do? No, never mind. It’s stupid. No, I’m gonna say it. We should make our own pamphlet with the truth.


GARRETT: A rogue pamphlet? You’re crazy lady.

DINA: You know what I just realized? There’s, like, 50 ballots here. That could change the outcome of a close election, and Missouri’s a swing state, so we could be changing the course of history.

GLENN: You think so?

DINA: Sure. Think about it. Right now, you and I could be setting into effect a chain of events that could cause the colonization of Mars or World War III and billions of innocent deaths. You know, it’s funny, I try so hard to keep God out of the workplace, and yet, here I am, in the workplace, and I am God.

JONAH: Not to put my head in the lion’s mouth, but now I’m thinking Times New Roman.

AMY: Times New Roman would be a fine font, Jonah, and so would Helvetica and Garamond, and really any font would be just fine.

JONAH: Not Wingdings.

AMY: No one was suggesting Wingdings.

GLENN: Hey, Marcus! Hey you’ve been to prison, right?

MARCUS: Yeah. I mean, like, barely. Long enough to form lifelong friendships.

GLENN: How do you think a guy like me would do in there?

MARCUS: Baby face. Kind eyes. Soft skin. Cute tummy. You’d be very popular.

GLENN: Oh. Well, that’s good.

MARCUS: No, that’s bad. That’s very bad.

GLENN: Oh. Let’s say, hypothetically, that two people accidentally committed a crime. There may have been a witness.

MARCUS: Okay, well, if it were me, ah I guess I’d get my partner to confess on tape. That way, if it went south, you could trade that in for a reduced sentence. That’s what my mom did to me.

GARRETT: Attention, my fellow Americans. I just noticed something on the ballot about a “Supertrain.” I’m not sure what it is, but it sounds more powerful than a normal train. Let’s make this happen, people. Vote Supertrain.

Final thoughts and fun facts

Amy is shown printing pamphlets on a display printer in the electronics aisle. Display printers in stores are typically not even powered on (often they are not even functional units, just a shell). Cloud 9 has been shown to have an entire print center with professional equipment she could be using instead, rather than a small home printer.

At the end of every episode, the card for the production company Spitzer Holding Company features a variety of items they specialize in. In this episode they list Sanitation Coding, Thunderdomes, and Directions.

Glenn informs Amy and Jonah that the building got an “F” in tornado preparedness from the safety inspector, foreshadowing the tornado that hits the building in the second season finale.

Amy’s nametag for this episode is ‘Millie’.

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